HAVEL & PARTNERS advised the investment group Czechoslovak Capital Partners on the acquisition of properties in the historic centre of Hradec Králové

07. 09. 2023

HAVEL & PARTNERS’ specialists provided comprehensive legal advice to the investment group Czechoslovak Capital Partners (CSCP) on the acquisition of five properties in the historic centre of Hradec Králové.

The investment was made in the form of a share deal. The expert team led by senior associate Tomáš Navrátil and legal expert Ondřej Falta provided transaction advisory services including due diligence and preparation of contractual documentation.

The investment group Czechoslovak Capital Partners (CSCP) was formed by transformation from the qualified investor fund Šestý uzavřený investiční fond, a.s. This fund was established in 2012 pursuant to Act No. 240/2013 Sb., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended. The fund has been active in the investment market since 2012 and has gained extensive experience across the investment spectrum. Since its establishment, CSCP Group has invested more than CZK 3 billion.

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